The final grade will be based on the following percentages:
Homework |
Mid-term exam |
Projects |
Final examination |
Total |
10 |
35 |
25 |
30 |
100 |
Attendance and Examination Policy
- Attendance of lectures is not required, but is strongly encouraged
as it affects the quality of learning and performance on exams.
Your presence is required for all tests and exams.
- Examinations will deal with textbook and handout material and
with the homework problems covered between examinations.
Examinations are open book, meaning that students may
bring and use their textbook, lecture notes, handouts
and graded homework during the examination. Students
may not bring other textbooks, problem solution
manuals or other non-course materials during the
Honor Code
Each test and exam must include the words
"honor pledge" written next to your signature,
indicating your adherence to the university honor code.
You may work with others only on homework assignments.
CEE 761/861 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Lecture 3 hours; 3 credits
ODU Campus
Spring Session #1
Today is
Week |
Topics |
1 |
Introduction to Hydrosystems Engineering
2 |
Economics for Hydrosystems
3 |
Linear Programming
4 |
Simplex Method
5 |
Using GAMS Solver
6 |
Probability Theory and Uncertainty Analysis, Review
7 |
Mid-Term Exam, Reliability Analysis
8 |
No Class - Spring Break
9 |
Reliability Analysis
10 |
Water Use Forecasting
11 |
Surface Water Systems
12 |
Groundwater Systems
13 |
Groundwater Systems
14 |
Water Distribution Systems, Review
15 |
Final Examination