Here we are, CEE Unix network users.
All weary & confused by those enigmatic, ever growing "HTML - Hyper Text
Markup Language" tags. Well, following table of contents of HTML tags was
written to help you guys who are trying to understand, and
of course, experiment with HTML 4.x+,
Standards and garden variety of extensions.
Hopefully this "HTML Survival Kit" would make
your life little bit easier and more productive.
Keep in mind that the following table of contents of HTML tags was designed,
as the name "survival kit" implies, as a reasonable aid for a HTML
tenderfoot, not an elaborate compendium of HTML tags. Also, if you've
been using one of "HTML authoring softwares" and want to understand
what all those HTML tags that the program(s) has been spitting out,
this page would be a handy reference.
Please drop me a line
or two on a specific HTML tag/element/technique you would like to see
on this page in the future. I'll try to add requested information as
time permits. If you're 'stuck' and would like to ask question or
two in person, you're welcomed to drop by my office at
Kaufman Hall Room 130.
Finally, there're a couple of suggestions you would consider to make your
HTML authoring experience more productive and painless;
Try to conceptualize/organize/evaluate your resources first.
Never write a HTML document for the sake of writing it.
The ONLY and
REAL value of
the web is to share and to propagate
information/resources over the net. A pure "Bells & whistles" webpage
is just another road kill that wastes someone else's valuable time
and bandwidth.
Try to think about the size and number of HTML documents you'll have in six
months from now. What would be the best and flexible management
Try to put as many comments as possible for yourself
and some poor souls trying to understand your HTML.
Try to use UPPER CHARACTERS for your HTML tags and lower
characters for the body of text.
This makes HTML document more readable.
Try to make your HTML documents structured/modular.
This makes HTML document more understandable.
Be generous with space/additional line. They won't slow down the loading
of your HTML documents.
BTW, when you're ready, and would like your web page(s) to officially be included in the CEE
just let me know. Good luck and bon voyage!
Background/History of World Wide Web
Mechanism of Web - HTTP and HTML
Progression of HTML
Conceptualizing Functionality of Your Web Site/Pages
Good Design Issues - Dos and Don'ts of HTML
Preparing a directory for your personal homepage
Creating your personal homepage under 'public_html' subdirectory
Make your personal homepage accessible by the world
Then what? How can I access my wonderful personal homepage?
Where's the beef?
CEE's icon archives
Basic HTML Document Structures
Putting Comments
Rule of Link
Creating Basic Links to Another File or Resource
Creating Links To Specific Locations In Documents
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
META Header Tags for Document Indexing
Optional META Header Tags for document indexing
Auto-Load META Header Tag
No-Cache META Tag
Base Font Size (=global font size)
Font Size, Color and Family
Physical Style
Logical Style
Superscript and Subscript
Preformatted Text
Paragraph (Work as Blank line)
Break Line
No Break
Word Break
Center Alignment
Left/Right Alignment of Heading
Left/Right Alignment of Paragraphs
Basic Rules of Image
Image ALIGN ed with Text
Image Border Line
Unordered List
Ordered (=Numbered) lists
Definition List
Compact Definition List
Font Color
Background and Link Color
Margin Control
Horizontal Rules
Introduction to Style Sheet
Inline Style Definition
Header Style Definition
External Style Sheets
Basic Special Characters
No Break Blank Space
ISO 8859 Latin-1 Special Characters
Basic Table Tags
Table Spanning
Table Sizing
Table Spacing
Table Text Alignment
Table Cell Background Color
Table Tips & Tricks
Frame - A Word of Caution
Basic Frame Tags
FRAMESET Container Tag
Setting Frame Rows
Setting Frame Columns
Essential Frame Tags
Which URL to load to Frame?
Assigning NAME to frames
Targets, Targets, Targets....
Be Respectable... (Loading Parent Frame)
The Counter Measure... (using "_top")
Open Sesame! (Loading Frames using "new")
To Scroll, or Not To Scroll...
Preserving Frame Size
NOFRAMES - For Those Challenged Browsers
Assigning NAME to frames
Seamless Frames
Example: Step-By-Step Procedure for Creating Frames
How do I update more than one frame at a time?
How can I print more than one frame in a screen?
include('html_bottom_toc.php'); ?>