CEE Course |
Title / Instructor |
Required Textbook |
ISBN No. |
100 |
Statics /
Dr. Nguyen
Vector Mechanics for Engineers, 7th Ed.,
Beer, Johnston, Jr. and Eisenberg, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
0-07-293078-0 |
230 |
Civil Engineering Materials /
Dr. Ishibashi
Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 2nd Ed.,
Michael S. Mamlouk and John P.Zaniewski, Prentice Hall
0-13-147714-5 |
240 |
Geographic Information System (GIS) in Engineering /
Dr. Yoon
CEE 240 Coursepak & Laboratory Manual,
Rev. January, 2008,
Jaewan Yoon, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
College of Engineering and Technology, Old Dominion University.
305 |
Civil Engineering Computation /
Dr. Nguyen
Numerical Methods for Engineers, 4th Ed.,
Chapra and Canale, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
0-07-243193-8 |
323 |
Soil Mechanics /
Dr. Ishibashi
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 6th Ed.,
Braja M. Das,
Hardcover, 2005
0-534-55144-0 |
330 |
Hydromechanics /
Dr. Harrell
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 5th edition; Munson, Young and Okiishi;
John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
0-471-67582-2 |
350 |
Environmental Pollution and Control /
Dr. Yoon
Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 4th Ed.,
Mackenzie L. Davis and Davis A. Cornwell, McGraw-Hill,
0-07-242411-7 |
355W |
Environmental Engineering Analysis /
Dr. Schafran
No Textbook Reuqired
446/546 |
Urban Stormwater Hydrology /
Dr. Akan
Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics and Stormwater Quality,
Akan and Houghtalen, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
0-471-43158-3 |
482/582 |
Introduction to Coastal Engineering /
Dr. Basco
Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management,
J. William Kamphuis, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol. 16,
World Scientific Publishing Company, 2000.
9-810-24417-7 |
650 |
Pollution Prevention /
Dr. Unal
Pollution Prevention: Fundamentals and Practice,
Paul L. Bishop,
Waveland Press,
687 |
Dredging and Beach Engineering /
Dr. Basco
Beach Nourishment: Theory and Practice,
Robert G. Dean,
World Scientific Publishing Company,
(Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 18),
981-02-1548-7 (pbk)
695 |
Cluster/Parallel Computation /
Dr. Nguyen
Parallel-Vector Equation Solvers for Finite Element
Engineering Applications, Duc T. Nguyen,
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002.
0-306-46640-6 |
695 |
Design Loads for Structure /
Dr. Razzaq
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,
Document Number ASCE 7-02, October 1, 2002, ISBN 0784406243 (Soft cover).
Guide to the Use of Wind Load Provisions,
Document Number ASCE 7-02 Guide, ISBN 0784407037.
716/816 |
Finite Element I /
Dr. Nguyen
An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, 2nd Ed.,
Reddy, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
0-07-051355-4 |
751/851 |
Physicochemical Treatment Processes /
Dr. Schafran
725/825 |
Advanced Foundation Engineering /
Dr. Ishibashi
Principles of Foundation Engineering, 5th Ed.,
Braja M. Das,
Hardcover, 2003.
0-534-40752-8 |
752/852 |
Biological Wastewater Treatment /
Dr. Unal
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4th ed.,
George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, H. David Stensel,
Metcalf and Eddy, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering, 2002.
0-07-041878-0 |
756/856 |
Water Quality Modeling /
Dr. Yoon
Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control,
Robert V. Thomann and John A. Mueller,
Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc.,
Hardcover, 1997.
0-06-046677-4 |
790/890 |
Civil and Environmental Experimental Methods /
Dr. Yoon
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 4th Ed.,
Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
0-471-74589-8 |